Wednesday, 27 August 2008

ISMIR Proceedings 2008! Wow!

I'm extremely impressed. The ISMIR proceedings are online. Whoever wants a printed copy can organize it themselves (it couldn't be much easier). Some might also want to only print the papers they are interested in. And some might be happy to have only an electronic version.

It's always been a pain to drag the heavy ISMIR proceedings home. And it always felt like a huge waste of paper.

I heard Juan and Youngmoo talk about this idea a year ago in Vienna (at last year's ISMIR). I'm very happy to see that they found a solution that should make everyone happy.

Juan writes in his email:
We hope that you will like this new approach to printing the proceedings which we intend to be more cost effective, more convenient, and, with luck, more environmentally friendly than mass printing of proceedings for all attendees who may not wish to carry a printed copy around.

Wonderful! :-)

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